PANCHKARMA - Detoxification of Body.

Panchakarma is traditional system of ayurvedic medicine which cleans body and mind of toxins and imbalances. 
In ayurveda, for diseases two kind of method are usually used. 
1) shaman 
      When doshas are imbalance in small quantity, complications are not that high then we use shaman means to give medication related to disease. 
2) shodhan 
     When doshas are badly imbalance and complications are high then go for shodhan means panchkarma treatment 
Benefit of Panchakarma 

  Panch means five, karma means actions. 
The doctor will prescribe treatment plan according to doshas in our bodies it may include two or more karmas depending on condition of body. 

There are 5 types of panchkarma - 
By which our imbalance doshas can get out of body. 

1) Vaman 
2) Virechan 
3) Basti 
4) Raktmokshan 
5) Nasya 

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