Hairfall - study of 'Khalitya' ( Hairfall)

                           In Ayurveda Hair fall is known as ' Khalitya 'and comes under shirorog. Khalitya does not affect normal health but affect sociological and psychological thinking of person. 

       Hair fall is pitta dominant tridoshjanya Vyadhi. Hair is by product of 'asti dhatu'. any disturbance in tissue metabolism can cause hair fall problem. According to modern science cause of hair fall are hormonal, nutritional deficiencies and complication to other disease.

     Cause :
-   Excess of pitta dosha in body 
-   Excessive intake of spicy, and sour food
-   intake of tea, coffee, smoking, Meat and alcohol
-   Hormonal imbalance
-   consuming excess of salt
-   some cancer treatment due to radiation therapy 
-  Ringworm of scalp 
-  Dandruff - is condition of flaking of scalp. 
    Dandruff occurs when dead skins collect on scalp. Dead cells block the pores in the scalp.
-  Giving birth - falling estrogen level can cause hair fall. 
-  stress causes hair fall
-  due to Menopause
- Not getting enough iron
-  Hereditary factor 

Some medicine cause hair loss. 
These include : 
1) High dose of vitamin A.
2) medicine of depression and mental health and arthritis .
3) Birth control pills
4) Anabolic steroids 
5) medicine of gout, heart disease, etc. 

- Incorrect haircare and your hairstyle, some hair product causes hair fall.
- Products like hair bleaching, permanent bleaching cause hair to break
- Blow dry, flat irons and use of other devices can cause damage to hair.
- Too much shampooing, combing and brushing can cause damage.
- Rubbing wet hair dry with towel.

 Treatment : 

- pitta dominant in khalitya or hairfall so Virechan is best treatment for elimination of excess pitta. 
- Nasya is recommend.
- khalitya is sign of early ageing so treatment of Rasayan dravya along with keshyadravya.
- Powder of elephant teeth ( mashidant )
- shirorogabhyang is done with tail which is medicated for hair growth.
- bringraj is taken externally and internally. 
  Bringraj is known as 'king of hair'.

  Diet : 

- Avoid pitta aggregative food like spicy, heavy, oily and tea coffee
- Avoid refined oil Nd refined sugar, carbonated drink, junk food.
- increase intake of fresh juice, vegetable carrot and lettuce.
- wash your comb and brushes twice a week.

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